The very essence of NATO’s role in Euro-Atlantic counter-terrorism (CT) is to protect Allied nations and their citizens from terrorist threat. In the New Strategic Concept (NSC), which was adopted at Lisbon Summit (2010) CT was recognized as a mission by NATO.
NATO Allies on the both sides of the Atlantic have been witnessing various ongoing crises: from mass refugee influx to rising concerns over emboldening Russian maneuvers in Ukraine and Syria, and nowadays the strategic consequences of Brexit for Euro-Atlantic relations. Evidently, these interrelated challenges are of transnational and hybrid nature involving state and nonstate actors alike. These threats of hybrid nature posed by
Autonomous Weapons Systems (AWS) enable operating almost independent from human intervention by providing continuous monitoring, data collection, and processing great mount of data in a short-time period. In that respect, AWS have been desired for Indigenous Defense Industry Countries (IDIC) such as India, Israel, and Turkey. Key Words: Autonomous Weapons, Indigenization, Defense Industries, Regional Security, Military