
TASAM Kurumsal

TASAM - Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies, which has been operating in the institutional body of a NGO as a “think tank“ for twenty one years, has become an international “Turkish Brand“....

TASAM - Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies, which has been operating in the institutional body of a NGO as a “think tank“ for twenty one years, has become an international “Turkish Brand“. Hundreds of doyen and respectable experts and academicians contribute to TASAM’s activities in its main management and scientific or wise persons boards of its institutes, programs and projects. Each taken initiative is managed with a strong institutionalization will and is supported by numerous instruments.

On the foreign policy field, TASAM acts under 11 different titles. These fields are continently Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and Caribbean and North America. The regional ones are Balkans, Middle East, Mediterranean and Black Sea - Caucasus which are - in every parameter- the security zone of these four continents in terms of Turkey. Also Turkic World and Islamic World are called as identical fields. The Strategic Vision Awards to be given for the 14th time by TASAM, the Turkic World Red-Apple Awards to be given for the 4th time and the Islamic World Istanbul Awards to be given for the 4th time are becoming institutionalized as getting stronger year by year. According to their categories, reputability of the awards given to countless heads of state, strategic institutions and individuals is appreciated at all levels.

The studies, with three main titles as Macro Process, Strategic Locomotive Sectors and Development of Values, of the “Turkey’s Strategic Vision 2023 (TSV2023)Project, which began 15 years ago under the auspices of the Presidency of the Turkish Republic and initiative of TASAM, were revised with the main theme of Turkey 2053Power and Justice“. The "Sectoral Institutes", many of which were firstly established in Turkey, form a new business model for the innovation of macro policies and sectors.

To encourage all institutions/firms, which promise the potential, to take stronger and fertile initiatives in their fields, TASAM started CIVIL GLOBAL | Global Civil Diplomacy Building Program, whose main theme was described as “Discovering the Potential“ and it serves to mobilize the civil capacity with its all channels globally and to form networks with 19 sectorial descriptions.

The institutes, networks and platforms developed and institutionalized on various scales multilaterally, run their activities - according to the relevant management system - under the roof of TASAM WORLD Academy and Innovation Group.

TASAM DEMOS is an organization that addresses all aspects of democracy, human rights and the rule of law. It has the reference of making an active and proactive strategic contribution to the development of universal values and the preparation of future decision-makers to the critical thinking and merit-based social competition by simulating the basic national and international governance units.

As a “first generation“ corporation, TASAM BGC Business and Government Consultancy (based on the infrastructure of a think-tank with global interest) provides specific services as strategic consultancy, economic intelligence, network & business development, brain bank, technology management, macro and sectorial future/futuristic-planning, innovative marketing management, security - defense and space industry to national and international actors and institutions.

To be established based on all the experience, know-how,, expertise and infrastructure of TASAM at inland and abroad, TASAM Turkey Excellence Centers intends to organize and promote local capacity (by developing and implementing ideas and projects in their provinces/regions), to enhance competitiveness and brand value of Turkey's each province (by implementing strategic vision development programs and thus forming managerial synergies), and to make significant contributions to their reflections in economic, political and diplomatic fields.

The results of TASAM institutionalization, which has been built for our today and future, and for public benefit, with the concern of transmitting it to the new generations with extraordinary effort and devotion in last 21 years are shortly presented in the 2004-2023 TASAM Activity Report. We are sincerely grateful for the interest, trust and support that you have given us.
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Continents ( 5 Fields )
 Contents ( 476 ) Actiivities ( 219 )
TASAM Africa 0 149
TASAM Asia 0 238
TASAM Europe 0 44
TASAM Latin America & Carribea... 0 35
TASAM North America 0 10
Regions ( 4 Fields )
 Contents ( 178 ) Actiivities ( 54 )
TASAM Balkans 0 93
TASAM Middle East 0 62
TASAM Black Sea and Caucasus 0 16
TASAM Mediterranean 0 7
Identity Fields ( 2 Fields )
 Contents ( 176 ) Actiivities ( 75 )
TASAM Islamic World 0 147
TASAM Turkic World 0 29
TASAM Türkiye ( 1 Fields )
 Contents ( 229 ) Actiivities ( 60 )
TASAM Türkiye 0 229

Since 2000, when Vladimir Putin came to power as President of Russia, Moscow has begun to use a complex ecosystem of information, disinformation and misinformation as a global tool that it has placed at the centre of its national security strategy. This ecosystem played an important role in helping ...;

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The book War in the Gardens of Babylon. Middle East after the Iraqi War published in 2004 by TASAM – Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies – edited by Bülent ARAS, is a collection of different perspectives on a number of serious Middle Eastern problems. Bülent Aras compiled articles of outstand...;

The eastern Mediterranean and the Gulf region remain an extremely turbulent and unstable neighborhood, where a “Hobbesian“ security environment prevails. There is a general failure of governance and a long list of frequently interacting – and in some cases interconnected – security problems, includi...;

Despite a strong historical and cultural background, the relations between Türkiye and the Middle East, or more narrowly, Türkiye and the Gulf Countries, where strategic dialogue is still evolving, need to transform from a fragile axis into a cooperation axis that adapts to new balances, roles, and ...;

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We are very glad to be together at the 9th Istanbul Security Conference and its co-events, which we have continued without any disruption until today. We extend our gratitude to all our guests, both domestic and international.;

In the 100th year of the Republic, on 23-24 November 2023, the 9th Istanbul Security Conference titled as "Strategic Transformation in the Ecosystem" will be held by TASAM-NDSI with global participation at Istanbul Kent University Kağıthane Campus. Last day to register is today, and the Participants...;

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5th Marine and Maritime Security Forum

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7th Türkiye - Gulf Defence and Security Forum

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