World Muslim Women Summit and Exhibition | WISE 2022 | Call for Paper


The main purpose of the activity is to form a discussion platform and to make an intellectual contribution to the perspective of the Islamic world’s building of soft power/public diplomacy and to the global women governance. ...

“Women and Innovation in Future Education“
( 23-25 March 2022, CVK Park Bosphorus Hotel, Istanbul )
As the industrialized countries being in the first place, all countries in the world had to face a number of new social problems with the modern ages. Urbanization, income inequality, requirement to prepare education infrastructure meeting the need for increased qualified labor, labor disputes, cultural change, the fact that some of the cultural fields face extinction as a result of intercultural interaction are some of these problems.

One of the most important challenges of the modern ages is “woman“ problem. Extinction of traditional production models has made it inevitable for women to take part in business life and the re-identification of woman’s social status on the basis of the principles of equality and freedom. The Islamic countries, which are in struggle for existence against modernity, also had to face the “woman“ problem, and unfortunately, they could not be successful enough so far in terms of finding a solution to this problem within the framework of their own civilization principles.

As is all over the world, almost half of the population in the Islamic world is also consisted of women. The facts, such as urbanization and industrialization, have necessitated all individuals to participate in production. In this environment, the other half of the societies, half of which is pushed out of production one way or another, cannot be expected to function healthily. Therefore, the Islamic countries have to create such environments, that will enable all segments of society, men and women, to make their presence felt in the political, cultural and economic areas within the framework of the principles, such as equality, freedom, capability and competence.

The added value obtained with the traditional production models remains very low, and this fact precludes these kinds of societies from existing in the global competition area. Producing products with a high added value, enhancing societies’ development, growth and welfare levels, and hence their self-worth are only possible with modern and quality education. Especially, exclusion of the people (woman or man) with a high capacity from production, education and culture causes the Islamic world to lose parity in this sense in the global competition.

The general dilemma of the policies about women are those problems arisen from the approaches dealing with the problems, which are experienced in the transition from the traditional period to the modern one, within the context of “woman-man“ difference and opposition instead of humanitarian values and principles, such as equality, freedom, capability and competence. Within this dilemma, not only women but also great unjust treatments experienced by all segments of society are ignored. It is observed that the discussions pitching woman and man against each other bring damage to all society, as women being in the first place, instead of providing advantage. Adding “woman – man“ opposition over this much opposition and separation experienced in the Islamic countries will not bear good results. What matters most is to put the rule of law principle into practice and to treat all social segments, as women being in the first place, by considering the values, such as justice, compassion and kindness. As long as the cyclical disadvantages are sorted out and the experienced transition is read correctly, our unique cultural values and historical knowledge are in a quality to make a contribution in order to easily cope with these kinds of problems.

Today, the most basic tool of economic development is education. The most important reason of this is that economic development is not possible without having an educated “society“ (in other words, “work force“) needed by a knowledge intensive economy. Even though the sum of working Muslim women’s income forms 1 trillion-dollar giant economy, there are many problems about gender inequality ranging from education of girls to participation of women in workforce. Several studies have been made both in the national and international arena in order to decrease gender inequality for girl’s choice of education and profession. If women and men equality to participate in business life can be ensured, it is predicted that the Muslim countries may reach 5,7 trillion-dollar extra revenue. According to the McKinsey Report, for woman employment to reach full potential only in the Middle East until 2025 will provide the national income level to increase by 47percent.

The more the educational steps, the less girls’ participation rates in education. According to the Global Education Monitoring Report, while 66percent of the countries equilibrate the gender balance in participation in the primary education, this rate is 45percent in the secondary education and 25percent in the years ahead. Furthermore, those measures have to be determined, that will be taken in the name of upskilling youngsters, without treating them unequally, with advanced skills and qualifications that the youngsters will need to take place in the knowledge-intensive employment market, and where its increase rapidly increases. Another important point, which is as important as girls’ relative shortness in staying in education, is that girls prefer those professions related to science and technology less. Even though these preferences are sometimes deliberate due to stereotypes about gender, the most important reason of that is the indirect effects coming from teachers’ and society’s point of views. According to what OECD states, only 5percent of girls think about building a career in the fields of science, technology and engineering. Therefore, it is crucial that girls be socially and emotionally supported in order for them to continue their future careers in the fields of innovation, entrepreneurship and technology.

According to the data of the World Economic Forum (WEF), 50 million Muslim women have participated in business life since 2000, and most of these women were born in the years between 1981 and 2000. When the Muslim women population, which is about 800 million in total, is considered, it is clearly seen how important the financial richness of Muslim women is for determining their countries’ welfare and stability.

In conclusion, the Islamic world are in a position to complete their serious deficiencies in the subject of taking the position they deserved in the education and production processes, and to carry their societies beyond the time. Otherwise, they will face not only being unable to manage woman and production problems, but also critical challenges in the subject of carrying their cultures and civilizations into the future.

In the World Muslim Women Summit and Exhibition | WISE 2022 to be held within the institutional framework of the World Islamic Forum, in addition to “Women and Innovation in Future Education“, it is planned to form a discussion platform and an activity, where the problems that Modern women have to face in the modern time are discussed, and where solution recommendations are developed, and where global solution searches for global problems will take place in an interaction platform to be formed by those participants coming from all over the world.

The main purpose of the activity is to form a discussion platform and to make an intellectual contribution to the perspective of the Islamic world’s building of soft power/public diplomacy and to the global women governance. And in the workshop studies foreseen as parallel to the macro discussions, it is adopted to make the presentation announcement as based on project/program in order for the project/policy recommendations to be discussed and the concrete results to be reached.

Main Theme
Women and Innovation in Future Education

Social Gender in Education
Increasing Girls’ Access to Education
Knowledge Intensive Economy
Social Gender’s Role in the Choice of Profession
Changing Needs of Business Life

Policy/Project Workshops

Women Perspectives/Policy Advices/Projects for Women;
  • Education and Science
  • Business Life and Entrepreneurship
  • Social Life, Politics and Religion
  • Health, Social Security and Employment
  • Technology and Inovation
  • Defense and Security
  • Social Policies and Civil Society
  • Energy, Water and Food
  • Economy and Finance
  • Culture and Tourism
  • Art and Literature
  • International Development Cooperation
  • Urban and Local Governance
  • Thought and Academy
  • International Diaspora

Thematic Activities

International Women and Peace Building Conference 2022
World Conference on Muslim Women's NGOs 2022
Young Muslim Women Conference 2022
World Muslim Women's Culture Festival 2022

World Islamic Forum | WIF ( )

The first Think Tanks Forum of the Islamic Countries under the main topic “Peace, Civilization and Cooperation“ was conducted by OIC Organization of Islamic Cooperation in cooperation with TASAM Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies on 28-30 January 2010 In Istanbul. With the “Istanbul Declaration“ accepted at the end of the Forum, Think Tanks Platform of the Islamic Countries (ISTTP) was established to bring together knowledge and experiences of think tanks of the Islamic Countries to activate joint communication and cooperation opportunities.

Each year under the various topics Forum was held in Istanbul, Baku, Cairo, Bagdad, Islamabad and Yazd. With Islamabad Declaration adopted at the end of the 6th Forum which was conducted in 6-8 March 2015 in Islamabad and hosted by TASAM and Pakistan Senate Defense Committee, it has been decided to change activity’s title to World Islamic Forum (WIF) to make it more inclusive. The 8th World Islamic Forum was held on 01-03 March 2018 in Istanbul.

World Muslim Women Summit and Exhibition | WISE ( )

The proposal to arrange World Muslim Women Summit and Exhibition (WISE) was first put forward to in a discussion during UNAOC Global Forum held in Bali - Indonesia as the date of August in 2014, was also presented to the Board Members during the World Islamic Forum held in Istanbul. Afterwards, this proposal was agreed upon as an accepted sense during the World Islamic Forum which was organized by the attendance of the president of Pakistan in Islamabad in 2015. Later on, an official letter was received which invites Malaysia to be host country from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. The first WISE whose main theme signaled “Muslim Woman: Silk as Soft, Strong as Iron“, was held on September 23rd-25th, 2016 in Kuala Lumpur with high attendance and achievement, in cooperation of World Islamic Forum (WIF), International Islamic University Malaysia, Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM), Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development Malaysia, Turkey based women NGOs and Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies (TASAM). Based on Kuala Lumpur declaration; with the institutionalization on a global scale, the second BİLGE Summit was held in Istanbul on 01-03 March 2018, with high participation and success.


If you are interested in submitting a paper in order to attend at the WISE 2022 as a speaker, you need to submit via with an MS Word document, which includes following items:

- Title of your paper

- 300 words abstract, 5 keywords

- Your Institutional Connection and Curriculum Vitae

- Your Cell Phone Number (if not written in the CV)

Important Dates

Deadline for submission of abstract : 15 September 2021

Successful authors will be notified by : 15 October 2021

Deadline for submission of revised full text : 31 December 2021

Event Date : 23-25 March 2022

Required Information

- Abstract/article acceptance process is conducted by using the blind review method by our referee board.

- All full texts complying with the abstract and accepted as scientific proficiency will be published as a compilation book.

- There is no charge for the submitted abstract and presentation of accepted papers.

- Transportation and accommodation are provided by the participants.

- Event hall entrance and all facilities provided during the Event (excluding transportation and accommodation) are free of charge.

Event Page
Details of the event and vision document can be found at the link below:
This content is protected by Copyright under the Trademark Certificate. It may be partially quoted, provided that the source is cited, its link is given and the name and title of the editor/author (if any) is mentioned exactly the same. When these conditions are fulfilled, there is no need for additional permission. However, if the content is to be used entirely, it is absolutely necessary to obtain written permission from TASAM.


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TASAM Türkiye 0 229

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