POWER 2018 | World Muslim Youth Summit and Exhibition Istanbul Declaration (DRAFT)


World Muslim Youth Summit and Exhibition | POWER 2018, with the theme “Society 5.0 and Youth” has been arranged on 01-02 March 2018, same time of the 8th World Islamic Forum....

World Muslim Youth Summit and Exhibition | POWER 2018, with the theme “Society 5.0 and Youth“ has been arranged on 01-02 March 2018, same time of the 8th World Islamic Forum. Summit; the World Islamic Forum, organized by the General Secretariat of TASAM, in cooperation with the International University of Africa and the Turkish National Youth NGOs, whose chairmanship is the National Turkish Student Unity (MTTB). NGOs and think tanks representatives, researchers, political representatives, ministers, diplomats, bureaucrats and parliamentarians have participated in a wide range.

1. Considering the basic trends in the world of "land and the machine" followed by "information and knowledge-based products" global competition in the based new economy era of "micro-nationalism", "integration" and "unpredictability" developing over, the challenge that determines the new nature of state and life; Unsustainability of the formula of "resource and sharing crisis", "production-consumption-growth", Chinese lifter and "liquidation of the middle class", "energy, water and food insecurity" “4. transition to dimension"," liquidation of human resources in the labor force ", changing state of nature and expectation management, "hard to soft power transition" as the basic references are being shaped.

Within all these basic parameters, the transformations in technology; artificial intelligence, virtual/augmented reality, and mobility-oriented, it is easy to change the whole human life and nature. It is obvious that the concepts of "Industry 4.0" and "Society 5.0", which we have been hearing for a few years and which have been added for the last year, are important topics for managing the transformation of the world. Another factor is the turbulence that China creates as it begins to become more active every day on the world stage. The new Silk Road project "Belt and Road" is shaped as a global integration project involving 64 countries, both land and sea, permanently changing the distribution of economic pace.

2. Taking these global variables into account;
Central Role Distribution and Sharing in the Islamic World,
Supporting Religion, Language, History, Geography Brotherhood with Mutual Dependence, "Political, Economic, Sectorial Integrity" in National and Union Based Politics,
Critical Thinking, "Production-Consumption-Growth" formation-Focused New Models are emphasized as essential requirements.

The new competition ecosystem summarized in the first two points and the macro targets proposed for the future are in the context of the contribution and activity of Muslim youth;

3. Considering the ratio of the young population within the Muslim population in the world, it is predicted that the projections made for the year 2050 will increase the present Muslim population by 73%. In addition, the proportion of Muslims in European countries is expected to increase from 3% to 20%. It has been determined that demographic power can have significant implications for shaping the future of the world.

4. Today, 80% of the world's wealth is in the hands of 1% of the world population. Future projections show that technological developments will open the economic gap between countries even more. It is true that the incomes of the developing countries have increased, but the rate of economic growth of the countries which have become "information society" has increased so much that it is getting harder to reach them every day.

5. "Artificial Intelligence", "Virtual Reality" and "Mobility" transform the whole economy, the whole social life and the media. These three defining concepts; we will take a step into a new world when we use technology as "new normal" to change the nature of life, not as new products. It is seen that the states which cannot adapt to the changing nature of the state and the social structure and who cannot properly control the expectations management are also dragged into chaos and instability. In the changing state nature; "Micro-nationalism", "crisis management" and "unpredictability" are the most influential concepts and show the need for an urgent macro formula.

6. Technology; economic activity and industrial sector have been changed and reshaped. But the main purpose is; not to push people to one side, but to place technology at the center. New problems and new needs have emerged in front of mankind and technology-centric solutions have to be offered to all global / local problems. At this point, technological products will have the chance to be not only consumers but also producers.

7. Government incentives and R & D incentives are being increased day by day. Both public and private sector institutions allocate more budgets for R & D. It is utmost importance to save these resources in the framework of "efficiency", "strategic targets" and "social demands".

8. The prospect of "the Education of the Future" is increasing. There is not much chance of getting a profession by means from father to son. Sustaining a business in the same way is not about protecting quality but about dropping it. While some jobs are dying, new jobs are developing. It is difficult to predict which professions will be important in the future. This situation requires frequent updating of policies for young people's employment.

9. The following questions should be discussed in order to get the most out of the young human resource in terms of the future of the Islamic world: "how many people are employed in the sectors related to information technology (IT)?", "how effective is IT used in business life?, what are the factors in order for digital (e-transformation)
to be successful?, and what should be done in creating awareness and raising awareness of young people on innovation and entrepreneurship?"

10. In terms of the future of Muslim youth, an educational model should be developed in related with ICT that will be appropriate for future generations. The concept of “lifelong learning“ has developed with the aging of society and the rapid loss of the current knowledge. Traditional school become out of date. In this case, the answer to the question "How do we construct an educational system that meet the demand of society in wide variety of age?.

11. For the future of Muslim youth, "Community 5.0" should be taken into the academic programs of the universities, in addition to legal and bureaucratic arrangements should be made.
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TASAM Türkiye 0 229

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