“Society 5.0 and Youth“
( 01-03 March 2018, Istanbul )
It is not thinkable for large social changes and transformations without problems and pains. The "Society 5.0“ makes the life of humanity easy newly; at the same time it brings some new problems. To reduce the employment opportunities, not to protect the industrial competitiveness among parties, the abandonment of a majority of the existing professions, the collapse of traditional producer-consumer relations, the possibility of deepening rich-poor disparity, and akhlak/ethical problems are among these problems.
The developments in the Islamic world of the industrial revolution and the information society have missed and have turned into ineffective or passive societies in these two stages. If action is not taken immediately, the race will also be lost on Society 5.0. In the Islamic World, competition in the good deeds and winning is one of the most important means; it has not something to missluxury in the super-smart society or Society 5.0. If this race is also lost, it may not be possible for societies dependent on Islamic identity to gain self-confidence and to have their identities in the foreseeable future.
In summary, the main goal of the program is to contribute by creating a continuous discussion environment upon these issues, proactive perspective with building soft power / public diplomacy and global youth governance in the Islamic world. With a view to reach in the target, paper is being asked; with this, parallel to the macro debate, there will be workshop to discuss the proposals and achieving concrete results.
If you are interested to submit a paper, you need to send your abstract through It is to be sent in MS Word form. The following directions are to be taken under consideration:
- Title of your paper
- 250- 300 word abstract, 5 keywords
- Your CV
- Airfare and accommodation will be covered by your self
Main Theme
Toplum 5,0 ve Gençlik
Sub Themes
Building Thinking / Philosophical Infrastructure for Society 5.0
Strategic Development for Society 5.0
Building Technological Capacity for Society 5.0
Education Reforms for Society 5.0
Qualifying Brain Power for Society 5.0
Increasing Female Participation in Society 5.0
Society 5.0 in the Solution of Social Problems
Society 5.0 and Academic Activities
Society 5.0 and Job World
Legal and Bureaucratic Regulations
“Society 5.0 and Youth“
( 01-03 March 2018, Istanbul )
It is not thinkable for large social changes and transformations without problems and pains. The "Society 5.0“ makes the life of humanity easy newly; at the same time it brings some new problems. To reduce the employment opportunities, not to protect the industrial competitiveness among parties, the abandonment of a majority of the existing professions, the collapse of traditional producer-consumer relations, the possibility of deepening rich-poor disparity, and akhlak/ethical problems are among these problems.
The developments in the Islamic world of the industrial revolution and the information society have missed and have turned into ineffective or passive societies in these two stages. If action is not taken immediately, the race will also be lost on Society 5.0. In the Islamic World, competition in the good deeds and winning is one of the most important means; it has not something to missluxury in the super-smart society or Society 5.0. If this race is also lost, it may not be possible for societies dependent on Islamic identity to gain self-confidence and to have their identities in the foreseeable future.
In summary, the main goal of the program is to contribute by creating a continuous discussion environment upon these issues, proactive perspective with building soft power / public diplomacy and global youth governance in the Islamic world. With a view to reach in the target, paper is being asked; with this, parallel to the macro debate, there will be workshop to discuss the proposals and achieving concrete results.
If you are interested to submit a paper, you need to send your abstract through It is to be sent in MS Word form. The following directions are to be taken under consideration:
- Title of your paper
- 250- 300 word abstract, 5 keywords
- Your CV
- Airfare and accommodation will be covered by your self
Deadline for submission of abstract | : 31.12.2017 |
Announcement of accepted abstracts | : 14.01.2018 |
Deadline for submission of full text | : 18.02.2018 |
Deadline for submission of revised full text | : 15.03.2018 |
Main Theme
Toplum 5,0 ve Gençlik
Sub Themes
Building Thinking / Philosophical Infrastructure for Society 5.0
Strategic Development for Society 5.0
Building Technological Capacity for Society 5.0
Education Reforms for Society 5.0
Qualifying Brain Power for Society 5.0
Increasing Female Participation in Society 5.0
Society 5.0 in the Solution of Social Problems
Society 5.0 and Academic Activities
Society 5.0 and Job World
Legal and Bureaucratic Regulations
Policy / Project Workshops
Policy / Project Workshops
Youth Perspectives for Youth / Policy Proposals / Projects;
- Education and Science
- Business Life and Entrepreneurship
- Social Life, Politics and Religion
- Health, Social Security and Employment
- Technology and Innovation
- Defense and Security
- Social Policies and Civil Society
- Energy Water and Food
- Economy and Finance
- Culture and Tourism
- Arts and Literature
- International Development Cooperation
- City and Local Governance
- Thought and Academy
- International Diaspora
Youth Perspectives for Youth / Policy Proposals / Projects;
- Education and Science
- Business Life and Entrepreneurship
- Social Life, Politics and Religion
- Health, Social Security and Employment
- Technology and Innovation
- Defense and Security
- Social Policies and Civil Society
- Energy Water and Food
- Economy and Finance
- Culture and Tourism
- Arts and Literature
- International Development Cooperation
- City and Local Governance
- Thought and Academy
- International Diaspora