To be held in cooperation of TASAM and IPIS, Iranian Official Research Center.
The 4th of the Iran-Turkey Round Table Meetings which is professed by the cooperation of TASAM and Iran’s Foreign Ministry Center for Strategic Studies (IPIS) alternately in Istanbul and Tehran, will be attended on 17 January 2011 in Tahran under the topics of “Regional and Global Vision of Iran and Turkey“, “Shared Opportunities and Problems“ and “New Paths to Follow in Bilateral Affairs“.
The meeting that Iran will participate with a high level delegation will bring together important persons. In the meeting, the current topics that interest two large countries of the region, common solution seeking and the development of cooperation will be the issues that will be negotiated. Aside from the important persons who will participate from Turkey and Iran; the participation of numerous academics, journalists, bureaucrats, experts and diplomats either as negotiator or as audience is being planned.
January 17, 2011,Monday
09:15- 09:30 Opening Statements
Dr. Mustafa DOLATYAR, General Director of the Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran
Süleyman ŞENSOY, Chairman of TASAM
09:30-10:30 First Session: International Issues
Main Theme: Regional ve Global Vision of Iran and Turkey
Dr. Mustafa DOLATYAR, General Director of IPIS
Süleyman ŞENSOY, Chairman of TASAM
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12:30 SecondSession: Regional Issues
Main Theme: Shared Opportunities and Problems
Session Leaders: Dr. Mustafa DOLATYAR, General Director of IPIS
(R.) Ambassador Murat BILHAN, Vice Chairman of TASAM
“How can Turkey be of held for the Iran- Afghanistan-PakhistanTriangle? Possibilities of conflict and cooperation within this triangle“
“The Possibility of Iran – Turkey Cooperation in the Middle East“
Prof. Dr. Vural ALTIN, Board Member of TASAM
“Reality and Perception: How can they be connected?“
Ambassador Jalal KALANTARI, Director of the Asia and Pacific Studies - IPIS
“Our Common Security Problems in the Region“
12:30- 14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:45 ThirdSession: Public Diplomacy
Session Leader: Süleyman ŞENSOY, Chairman of TASAM
Kadri GURSEL, Columnist of Milliyet Newspaper
14:45- 15:45 Fourth Session: Bilateral Relations
Main Theme: New Paths to Follow in Bilateral Affairs
Session Leader: Dr. Mustafa DOLATYAR, General Director of IPIS
Ambassador Jalaladdin NAMINI, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, Director
“Iran and Turkey Cooperation in Caucasus“
Ass. Prof. Gülden AYMAN, Marmara University
“Similarities and Dissimilarities in Foreign Policy Approaches“
“The Possibility of Economic and Commercial Relations Between Iran and Turkey“
15:30 Closing Statements
Dr. Mustafa DOLATYAR, General Director of IPIS
Süleyman ŞENSOY, Chairman of TASAM