Turkey - China Impact Analysis Comparative Research Project and Workshop l 1st Phase

  • “Turkey - China | Post-COVID-19 New Paradigms; Belt and Road, Trade, Tourism, Investment, Finance and Technology”
China’s "Belt and Road" Initiative and COVID-19 pandemi that already have global impact, also contain important structural perspective for Turkey and the environment. At the point reached; due to trade imbalance and lack of communication, bilateral and multilateral analysis of economic targets that could not make the desired leap, and developing new radical parameters may reveal the real potential of interdependence.

Except for purely trade; With an approach that shall focus on the unlimited potential available in areas such as tourism, investment, finance, technology and security capacity, and empathize on the priorities of both parties; Following a comparative research with impact analysis, the workshop, which shall bring together all the actors, is the first step to share the results and opinions.

Main Theme
“Turkey - China | Post-COVID-19 New Paradigms; Belt and Road, Trade, Tourism, Investment, Finance and Technology“

Sub Themes
Trade Balance Impact Analysis
Priority Sectoral Cooperation and Investment Perspectives
Post-Coronavirus Relations between China and Turkey on Many Different Aspects
Financial Capacity Analysis and Opportunities
Possible Turkish Corridor with “Belt and Road“ Initiative
Technology, Security and Defense Industry
Bilateral, Multilateral Partnerships; Infrastructure and Contracting

The 8th Turkey - Gulf Defense and Security Forum, held under the main theme “Red Apples for Security Partnership,“ was organized by the TASAM National Defense and Security Institute as a co-event of the 10th Istanbul Security Conference on November 22, 2024, at Wish More Hotel Istanbul. The Forum ho...;

The 6th Marine and Maritime Security Forum, under the main theme of “Turkish Maritime Vision 2053,” was organized by TASAM National Defense and Security Institute on November 21, 2024, as a co-event of the 10th Istanbul Security Conference held at Wish More Hotel Istanbul.;

The Istanbul Security Conference, organized for the first time in Türkiye in 2015 and held for the tenth time this year, was organized by TASAM National Defense and Security Institute with the main theme of Technopolitical New World: Security of Security was organized by TASAM National Defense and S...;

With the main theme of "New Technopolitics and Security Partnership", Asia Anew Security Forum was co- organized by TASAM National Defense and Security Institute as a co-event of the 10th Istanbul Security Conference held on 21-22 November 2024 at Wish More Hotel Istanbul.;

With the acceptance of climate change as a security threat, more than one security risk may emerge in the same region. The Arctic is one of the geographical areas where the effects of climate change are most tangible and the security environment is gradually decreasing. Security concerns in the Arct...;

10. Istanbul Security Conference contains, 3. Istanbul Cyber Security Forum, 6. Marine Security Forum, 7. Turkey-Africa Defense, Security and Space Forum, 8. Turkey-Gulf Defense and Security Forum and first time regulated Re-Asia Security Forum (name given for support of Re-Asia initiative of Türkiy...;

This article highlights the strengthening ties between Turkey and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states, driven by economic diversification and regional de-escalation. Turkey's growing trade, investment, and defense cooperation with Gulf nations face challenges from local defense industries and ...;

This article discusses how Iraq's once abundant and balanced climate, characterized by plentiful rainfall, snowmelt, and thriving ecosystems like palm forests and marshes, has deteriorated due to global warming and dam construction. These changes have led to increased drought, desertification, and s...;

10th Istanbul Security Conference

  • 21 Nov 2024 - 22 Nov 2024
  • İstanbul - Türkiye

7. Türkiye - Körfez Savunma ve Güvenlik Forumu

  • 23 Nov 2023 - 24 Nov 2023
  • İstanbul Kent Üniversitesi Kağıthane Kampüsü -
  • İstanbul - Türkiye

9. Dünya İslam Forumu

  • 2023
  • İstanbul -
  • İstanbul - Türkiye

4. Türkiye - Afrika Savunma Güvenlik ve Uzay Forumu

  • 04 Nov 2021 - 05 Nov 2021
  • DoubleTree by Hilton İstanbul Ataşehir Oteli ve Konferans Merkezi -
  • İstanbul - Türkiye

5. Türkiye - Körfez Savunma ve Güvenlik Forumu

  • 04 Nov 2021 - 05 Nov 2021
  • DoubleTree by Hilton İstanbul Ataşehir Oteli ve Konferans Merkezi -
  • İstanbul - Türkiye

Türk Asya Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi TASAM, Dr. Cengiz Topel MERMER’in uzun araştırmalar sonunda hazırladığı “TEKNOLOJİK ÜRETİMDE BAĞIMSIZLIK SORUNU; NTE'LER VE ÇİPLER ÜZERİNDE KÜRESEL REKABET” isimli stratejik raporu yayımladı

Soğuk savaşın ardından, “yeni dünya düzeni“ olarak adlandırılan dönem, hegomonik bir güç olarak beliren ABD’nin “büyük vaadi“ ile başladı: “Demokrasiyi dünyada yaygınlaştırmak“. Bu “büyük“ vaad, yoksulluk, adaletsizlik ve şiddet dolu bir dünyayı kurmak biçiminde gerçekleşti ve iki “siyasi/askeri“ ar...