In the relations that have reached the“ strategic partnership " stage, it is important for Turkey to observe the activities of actors such as the USA and EU, especially China, in the continent with sensitivity and to develop its strategic policies with an open reflex to multilateral negotiations. The third of Turkey - Africa Defence Security and Aerospace Forum, where representatives from the defence, security, space sectors and institutions of Turkey and African countries will come together, will be held simultaneously with the Istanbul Security Conference which has been institutionalized as a global brand. The Forum; will continue to contribute strategically to mutual capacity building and strategic cooperation, respond to inventory and ecosystem needs by strengthening its institutionalization.
Sub-Themes | Cooperation Areas
Military and Institutional Governance of the Future After Covid-19
Land | Sea | Air | Space
Future Homeland Security Governance and Coordination After Covid-19
Civil Adm. | Law Enforcement | Local Governments
Future Police and Institutional Governance
Future Smart Cities and Security Governance
Future Gendarmerie and Institutional Governance
Future Diplomacy and Institutional Governance
Public Diplomacy | Sectoral Diplomacy | Cultural Diplomacy
Future Socio-economic Institutions and Security Governance
Sociological Capabilities and Focusing | Economic Security Governance and Coordination
Sub-Themes | Cooperation Areas
Military and Institutional Governance of the Future After Covid-19
Land | Sea | Air | Space
Future Homeland Security Governance and Coordination After Covid-19
Civil Adm. | Law Enforcement | Local Governments
Future Police and Institutional Governance
Future Smart Cities and Security Governance
Future Gendarmerie and Institutional Governance
Future Diplomacy and Institutional Governance
Public Diplomacy | Sectoral Diplomacy | Cultural Diplomacy
Future Socio-economic Institutions and Security Governance
Sociological Capabilities and Focusing | Economic Security Governance and Coordination