Wars have been going on since the first humanity and gained new dimensions in the last century fed by different objects. As the aerospace and space race increased in the bipolar world, whose tensions increased during the Cold War period, it has become clear that the unpredictable works on rocket tec...;

The natural habitat of human beings is land. However, most of the world is covered with seas and the sea has features that will bring prosperity, wealth and power to human beings. From this point of view, human societies; naturally, at every stage of their sociological development, they first paid a...;

Over the years, technology has changed by leaps and bounds. The technological advancement in each sector has revolutionized our society and economy to a great length. We cannot escape and ignore technology at any cost. The use of technology has changed how we work, access information, learn, teach, ...;

9th World Islamic Forum

  • 2023
  • İstanbul -
  • Istanbul - Turkey